Unite member wins gold

Darren Hincks is TUC star rep

Reading time: 2 min

The TUC Union Learning Rep (ULR) of the year for 2024 was awarded to Unite member Darren Hincks at Congress in Brighton yesterday (Tuesday, September 10).

Darren is a bus driver with First Bus Colchester in Essex and has been a ULR for three and a half years.

Darren said he was “honoured” to be named ULR of the year, adding, “It still hasn’t sunk in yet. It is fantastic to be given this award.

” It was also really nice when the TUC President called my daughter up to join me on the stage.”

Darren runs weekly learning sessions in the staff canteen at his depot, which has included guitar sessions for beginners for over 30 fellow drivers.

Darren has attended two ULR courses through Unite and said, “If you are thinking of being a learning rep, don’t be put off. It’s great to help fellow members learn new skills.”

By UNITElive team

Pics by Mark Thomas