Social security system 'unfair and degrading'

Unite at TUC fringe on future of social security system

Reading time: 3 min

On a sunny day in Brighton Unite joined London Unemployed Strategies (LUS) and PCS for a lively TUC fringe event in the bowels of the Brighton Centre on social security earlier this week. The discussion was at times stark, with newly elected PCS DWP President Angela Grant sharing her deep concerns about the future of social security if the new Labour government continue with the Tories’ cruel policies for both staff and claimants.

Unite South West regional officer Brett Sparkes highlighted that changes to Universal Credit were going to have a huge impact on members of all trade unions who were on low pay and who need to claim the benefit to top up their wages.

Brett said, “The extension of in-work conditionality is going to be extremely detrimental to our members who are in work. Many of our members claiming Universal Credit are facing significant challenges to working more hours such as disability, health conditions or the lack of affordable or available childcare in their area. These changes haven’t been thought through.”

Unite member and fringe chair Maria McCaul said, “Claimants are suffering greatly under this unfair and degrading system. We need the TUC and all trade unions to push the Labour government to make the fundamental changes need to make our social security system fair and dignified.”

The fringe concluded by calling for the Labour government to act now to make fundamental changes to social security. This call was echoed in the subsequent debate on motion 33: Universal Credit, which was unanimously supported by Congress.

You can watch the fringe in full in the video below:

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By Andy Mitchell