Unite lobbies parliament over Winter Fuel cut

Unite campaign “a beacon of light for pensioners”

Reading time: 4 min

Unite took the campaign to protect pensioners and the Winter Fuel Allowance to Parliament on Monday (October 7) with a mass lobby and protest.

Unite joined forces with the National Pensioners Convention and Scottish Pensioners Forum to call on the government to fully reinstate the Winter Fuel Allowance.

Over 500 Unite members and activists from other community groups rallied near Parliament Square and were addressed by the general secretary, Sharon Graham, as well as John Trickett MP and other keynote speakers. 

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “The government’s winter fuel policy needs to be reversed. Picking the pockets of pensioners is not a tough choice – it is a mistake. There is no reason why we have to choose between paying workers and keeping pensioners warm.

“Labour, it’s time to change course. To reverse these cuts before it is too late. Before our NHS is over- run with sick older people or pensioners die from the cold. This austerity cut to winter fuel needs to be scrapped.”

Joining Sharon addressing the crowd was Monica Taylor, Chair of Unite’s National Retired Members Coordinating Committee.

Monica said: “As the Chair of Unite’s Retired Members, I want to say on behalf of our national committee and on behalf of our 100,000 retired members in Unite – it is a disgrace that this government has taken the winter fuel allowance away from millions of pensioners.”

Monica told protesters that she was one of the pensioners affected by the cut.

Monica explained: “I was widowed at a young age and raised three children on my own, while working in an automotive factory and studying at night school. It wasn’t easy, but I’m not here to look for your sympathy.

“I’m telling you this because there are many, many women in my position. I come from a generation where men were the breadwinners. Men were paid far more than us. They got much better pensions than us.

“Female pensioners are still dealing with the aftermath of this today. Our incomes are a fraction of what the men get. They might live alone, and they will need to heat their whole home on their own.

“Over the past few months, my union, Unite, has been a beacon of light for pensioners. We have become the leading voice in the fight to defend the winter fuel allowance. And we have been an unashamedly, unabashedly progressive voice.”

The rally was followed by a meeting with MPs inside parliament. 

Below are some photos from the protest.

By Keith Hatch

Photos by Mark Thomas 

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