“Austerity is a political choice”

We cannot accept it from a Labour govt

Reading time: 3 min

Unite delegate, local authority worker Kathy Smith, made an impassioned contributed in support of a composite on public services.

Kathy said, “Congress, this composite sets out a programme for rebuilding our public services after the long assault of austerity. Pay restoration. Attracting and retaining talent. Dealing with chronic stress and burnout.  

“This is a programme that workers across the public sector have fought long and hard to see realised. It is right that we lay out such a programme – but we must also put this government on notice. We want to hear no more talk of ‘difficult choices’ or ‘fiscal rules.’ These are nothing more than mealy-mouthed phrases meaning one thing: continued austerity.

“Fiscal rules will not attract workers to rebuild our health service. Fiscal rules will not provide vital care for our elderly and vulnerable. Fiscal rules will not keep our streets clean when entire cities go bankrupt.

“The challenge is too great and too urgent to be kicked down the road while the government waits for ‘growth.’

“Labour must prove that it is in government to act – not to allow George Osborne, Jeremy Hunt or Michael Gove to dictate pay or funding restraint from beyond the political grave.

“Austerity is a political choice. It is a choice we will never accept from a Labour government. As we meet here today Unite members in Local Authorities are balloting once again over pay.

“This follows members in Scotland who had to take the threat of strike action to the very brink – with a 71 per cent ‘Yes’ vote – to prise a renewed offer from COSLA, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.

“In short Congress, let the government know this. For 14 years we have fought austerity. We’ll fight it for 14 more if we must.”

By Amanda Campbell

Pic by Mark Thomas