While our hearts break…

Friday, May 15th, 2020

while our hearts break to the sound of sirens.

2 min

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‘Another world is possible’

Friday, May 15th, 2020

In Kingston Hospital, where I was hospitalised, a memo was issued just days after I was discharged warning that PPE was running so low that all non-critical war...

8 min

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Test meat processing workers now call

Friday, May 15th, 2020

Unite calls for Covid-19 testing at meat processing sites after Moy Park worker dies

6 min

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'They must be properly rewarded'

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Unite calls on government to support council workers as English councils face £10bn coronavirus ‘black hole’

7 min

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‘Pick up and carry forward Sean’s work’

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

“We will mark Sean’s passing properly when it is possible to do so,” said Len McCluskey, “but the greatest memorial to his life and work must be to pick up and ...

4 min

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True human cost of Covid-19

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Unite workplace reps are at the forefront of dealing with the crisis at work across all sectors of the economy, and a report published this week based on a surv...

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Mental health tops workers’ lockdown worries

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Dealing with employees’ mental health challenges on this scale is not going to be easy and Unite is calling on employers to take proactive and immediate action,...

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Public transport in London packed

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Trains, tubes and buses heaving on first day gov’t told people to return to work

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Working people must not pay for economic crisis

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Public sector pay freeze must be taken off the table

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Public transport guidance 'lacks clarity'

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Unite slams latest government public transport guidance

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Furlough scheme extended

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Unite welcomes news jobs retention scheme extended until end of October

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'Mixed signals'

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

PM fails to outline clear safe return to work plan after easing lockdown

6 min

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Constructiion worker

Low-paid workers more likely to die from Covid-19

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Unite calls for public inquiry amid 'alarming' figures of low-paid worker coronavirus death rates

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'Hugely concerning'

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Unite warns over impending 'catastrophe' in meat and poultry sector after Covid-19 death at Moy Park site

7 min

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Unite: We have an H&S army

Monday, May 11th, 2020

"We have an army, tens of thousands of experienced health and safety representatives who can play a key role."

3 min

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Unite calls for ‘clarity and caution’ as Johnson leads nation into sea of chaos

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Last night (May 10) PM Boris Johnson revealed the government’s long awaited ‘condition plan’ in the first steps to get Britain off lockdown – which far from giv...

9 min

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'Disproportionate suffering'

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

‘Reckoning’ needed on disproportionate Covid-19 deaths amongst black and Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage people

3 min

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'Hungry for change'

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

Britons overwhelmingly want a new deal economy where key workers are valued

5 min

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