‘Best serving our nation at this time’

Unite GS Len McCluskey salutes Unite members’ efforts on May Day

Reading time: 2 min

“For the last 50 years I’ve been so proud to march on May Day alongside friends, members and fellow workers. Workers like you who’ve kept Britain moving – fed and clothed, safe and cared for.

“Sadly there’ll be no marches this year. Our beautiful banners won’t fill the streets and our voices will not fill the air.

“But while we may not be marching, your contribution to the nation’s well-being has never been more evident. It is workers like you who are best serving our nation at this time. For your sacrifices and heroic efforts, you deserve our admiration and gratitude. But more than that, you deserve a decent wage, secure and safe work.

“And that’s why Unite together with our sister unions is proud to say that today it’s time for a new deal – time that the millions of workers who create the real wealth get their fair share. There can be no going back to business as usual. May Day is your day. It’s our day. A day when we stand strong together – now, and into a better future.”

WATCH LEN HERE ‘May Day is your day

By UNITElive team @unitetheunion.org

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