Helping us through the dark days

Finding it tough? Why not try out this well-being calendar?  

Reading time: 3 min

Everyone is finding it tough right now – whether you’re working from home and home schooling your kids at the same time, furloughed, unsure about your future, worried about your health and that of your family, unable to see your loved ones, feeling alone, feeling like a prisoner, further depressed by all the tragic news of those that have been lost to the pandemic – it can be hard to believe that we will ever get out of this.

That’s why, in mental health awareness week, Unite health sector, which includes our psychologist members, have forwarded to us an ingenious four week calendar – complete with a different well-being video for every day, to share with UNITElive readers.

The calendar works week by week in a four week cycle. At the foot of the day’s number you’ll find a link to a short themed video.

“It is mental health awareness week and our mental health and well being is really important now – especially when so much in our life has changed,” explained Unite national officer Jacalyn Williams.

“We hope that by taking a few minutes to watch one of the selection of videos in this well-being calendar it will benefit many members, both now and as a resource post Covid-19,” she added.

Clinical psychologist and Unite senior rep Dr David Ward agreed. He explained, “This Well-being Calendar has been produced to support all health and care staff during COVID and beyond.

“It is focused on four themes which are central to improving and maintaining emotional well-being in stressful times: Values, Awareness, Engagement, Connection.  Each three minute video introduces a well-being topic and contains a daily challenge to try out.”

Dr Ward, also Unite’s East Midlands rep for the applied psychology national organising professional committee thinks this calendar could also help all Unite members.

He thanked the Clinical Psychology Service at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, in conjunction with Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS foundation Trust, for sharing the wellbeing calendar.

“I’d like to give thanks and recognition to fellow psychologists Dr Sheena Parmar, Dr Sam Malins and Dr Sancha Biswas who created this innovative and useful resource for staff, with overall project management from Dr Joanna Levene,” he added.


Compiled by Amanda Campbell @amanda_unite  

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