Retired Unite members draw up manifesto

'Decent Retirement for All’ launched ahead of the election

Reading time: 3 min

Unite has been working with its retired members to draw up a ‘Decent Retirement for All’ manifesto ahead of next month’s general election.

The manifesto, published by Unite’s National Retired Members Committee, puts forward key policies for pension provision, the health and social care system and to provide greater security, independence and inclusion for older people.

Unite will be campaigning to secure commitments from political candidates based on the manifesto ahead of the general election on July 4.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “Workers throughout the UK live in fear and uncertainty about their old age because pensions are not enough to live on and our health and care services are crumbling.

“Unite’s ‘Decent Retirement for All’ manifesto sets out a vision to transform this. As the country looks for change in a new government, Unite will be asking politicians to commit to our manifesto to help workers secure the long, healthy and dignified retirements they deserve.”

The manifesto’s key calls include:

  • Maintaining the Triple Lock
  • Reducing the State Pension age to 65
  •  A decent State Pension for all
  • Compensation for Waspi Women
  • Re-opening defined benefit pension schemes

The manifesto also calls for a fully resourced NHS that is flexible and gives older people independence by providing care in the community, as well as for a publicly funded and run national care service.

As part of the campaign, Unite has released a video where the union lays out workers’ concerns and anxieties for the future, if they will ever be able to retire and what Unite members can do about it.

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You can read and download the full “A Decent Retirement for All” Manifesto here.

Find out more about the work of Unites’ Retired Members Associations here.

By Keith Hatch