TSB pay win

Unite wins a cost of living payment for TSB lowest paid workers, with those earning £35k or less to get a pay boost

Reading time: 2 min

Unite, the union representing workers at TSB, has today been successful in securing an additional cost of living payment for around 4,500 staff at TSB. The £1,000 payment will be paid in two stages – in October 2022 and then the remainder in February 2023.

Caren Evans, Unite national officer said, “Unite was able to successfully demonstrate to TSB that the lowest paid members of staff are struggling to meet their costs of living.

“The agreement announced today is welcome news for over 4,000 staff and the £1,000 payment will be given to all those regardless of whether they are full or part time workers.”

Unite will continue to campaign for consolidated pay increases for our members in bank branches, call centres and processing centres who are facing financial challenges during this cost of living crisis. Bank workers are not highly paid and despite the stereotypes often presented are not living off huge bonuses. These frontline workers are struggling to pay their bills during these tough times.

Unite is dedicated to advancing the jobs, pay and conditions of its members and will fight back against any efforts to diminish workers’ living standards.

By Saba Edwards

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