Support steelworkers call

Unite supports carbon border adjustment mechanism

Reading time: 3 min

Unite member Steph Wilkins gave an impassioned speech on behalf of Unite’s steelworker members as she spoke in support of a motion on steel.

Steph reminded Congress that they were meeting at a time “when the future of thousands of steelworkers hangs in the balance in Port Talbot, Llanwern and now Scunthorpe”.

“These are towns are synonymous with steel – without the jobs steel sustains, these communities will die,” she said. “This is the moment that Labour must prove it is on the side of steelworkers and their communities.”

Steph welcomed that the steel motion moved by sister steel union Community recognises an important fact – that “in the 21st century steel has become a geo-political weapon”.

“We saw that with the trade wars and tariffs of the Trump years,” she said. “We saw it when the dumping of cheap steel from China directly resulted in the devasting closure of the Redcar steelworks in 2015. That closure began the long steel crisis which continues to face our members to this day.”

Steph highlighted a key provision of the motion – that a carbon border adjustment mechanism can help the situation.

“It can at least ensure that steel imports from high carbon countries – like China – do not have an unfair price advantage,” she said. “This protection can at least prevent steelworkers’ jobs from becoming collateral damage in trade wars.

“This must be just the start of a new commitment from government to protect our domestic, foundation steel industry,” she concluded, urging support for both steelworkers and the motion.

By Hajera Blagg

Photos by Mark Thomas