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Don't miss Unite's March for Jobs in Grangemouth

Reading time: 2 min

As UniteLive highlighted earlier this week, Unite is mobilising a huge march and rally on Saturday (August 3) in support of Petroineos workers at the Grangemouth refinery. The demonstration is in response to plans by the company to cease refinery operations by next year. This could cost up to 500 jobs, with thousands more at risk in the wider supply chain. But thanks to Unite’s campaigning and recent positive talks with Petroineos and government, the union is hopeful that a resolution that will extend the lifespan of the refinery is at hand.

That’s why this march and rally is absolutely pivotal. The march will begin at Grangemouth Stadium from 11am and will end in a rally from 1pm at Zetland Park. The poster below highlights the full line-up of rally speakers. Don’t miss it!

By Hajera Blagg

Pictured, Keep Grangemouth Working campaigners