'We can't pay our bills'
Striking refuse collectors and street cleaners tell Rugby council to ‘sort it out'
Reading time: 3 min
In a show of unity, refuse collectors and street cleaners in Rugby, who have been on strike since the end of April, will stage a rally outside the town hall on Thursday (May 19) from 10.30am.
The rally coincides with the annual meeting of Rugby borough council where a new mayor will be elected.
The workers and activists will be accompanied by a mobile ad van. The giant ad calls on Rugby council to “sort it out”.
Members of Unite are taking strike action to demand a significant pay increase as spiralling price rises leave workers struggling to afford the basics. Real terms inflation (the RPI) has crashed into double–digits at 11.1 per cent.
This Thursday, the workers will send a clear message to the council that they are united and will continue strike action until the council delivers an acceptable pay offer for all.
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said, “Disgracefully, Rugby council has dragged its feet for over a year while workers are struggling to pay the bills. Unite members have had enough. They are united in their strike and their calls to the council to sort it out.
“Our members are being hammered by the toxic combination of low pay and a cost of living crisis. They have Unite’s full support in their fight for fair pay.”
Unite regional officer Zoe Mayou added, “Unite has made it clear that we cannot resolve this dispute unless the workers’ pay demands are addressed collectively. Council leaders need to realise the workers are standing firm and they are united.”
Unite is dedicated to advancing the jobs, pay and conditions of its members and will fight back against any efforts to diminish workers’ living standards.
By Ciaran Naidoo