London's best deal for bus drivers

Friday, September 30th, 2022

Arriva London strikes off as workers secure 11% pay rise plus back pay lump sum

3 min

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Liverpool port strikes intensify

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

Senior staff join walkouts with fresh strikes over ‘hugely profitable’ MDHC’s below inflation pay offer

4 min

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'We must fight back'

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

Unite member and social worker Angela Duerden on the future that workers deserve

3 min

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'We need a real ethical foreign policy'

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

Unite Toyota convenor Pete Tsouvallaris on foreign policy

3 min

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'We need pay justice for public sector workers'

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

Unite delegate and acute hospital rep Lesley Mansell calls for greater support for NHS and other public services

3 min

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'Still needs to be bolder'

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022

Unite’s reaction to Keir Starmer’s conference speech

2 min

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'Outrageous profiteering'

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022

Unite delegate Professor Cecile Wright speaks out on the energy crisis

3 min

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Legal aid 'a pillar of the welfare state'

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022

Unite delegate and solicitor Niamh O’Brady speaks out in defence of legal aid and protest and workplace rights

3 min

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'Every single person's vote should matter'

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Unite delegate Jessie Jacobs makes contribution in debate on electoral reform

3 min

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'Labour must deliver on equalities'

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Unite delegate Jayne Taylor urges bold action on equalities

3 min

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Renationalise energy and no more budgets for the rich

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Unite GS slams power giant at Scottish policy conference

5 min

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'Corporate greed has created this crisis'

Monday, September 26th, 2022

WATCH: Unite head of operations Gail Cartmail addresses Labour Party conference

2 min

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Arriva workers in pay win

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Arriva Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire pay deal ends strikes

3 min

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'Profits should benefit society as a whole'

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Unite delegate Gary Sassoon-Hales seconds motion on renationalising Royal Mail

3 min

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'We are winning'

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Unite’s Gail Cartmail moves a key motion on the economy and calls on Labour to stand with union members

4 min

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'Trickle down' economics will fail

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Unite GS Sharon Graham: Labour must be far more bold to make ‘clear blue water’ between Labour and Truss gov’t count

3 min

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